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Social Media

Did you know the average person spends four years of their life looking down at their cell phone?

We live in a technology driven world and it is important to understand that while these phenomenal devices, apps and gadgets that are constantly at our fingertips are wonderful, great and helpful,

there is also an entire world out there just waiting to be explored. 

We begin by exploring just how many devices, and apps are used by dancers on a regualr basis. After realizing how all consuming technology and social media are, dancers are challenged to think outside the box and explore what they could, or would like to, do if they did not have technology taking up so much time. Additional discusison questions regarding technology's impact on society are thrown into the mix as time passes. 


Dancers spend time in the Movement contemplating the affect technology has had on them, for better or for worse, it's a part of us now. With a better connection to the Movement dancers perform a choreographed dance that is turned into a short documentary film, ironically to be placed on social media. 

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