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The Success Movement began with a little inspiration from another movement powered by Strayer University. Their goal was to raise awareness and change the dictionary definition of success. They are asking individuals all over the country to join them in this effort by signing a petition.


As a part of this movement we explore the meaning behind the word 'Success' and how each individual relates to it. Do you believe that the definition means something different than how the dictionary defines it? Dancers are encouraged to think about how their opinions of the meaning vary, or not, from others around them.  Everyone is then given a version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test, after learning their type and reading about themselves, time is spent discussing all of the types so that dancers may be better armed with knowledge about who they are, and how they approach the world around them. 


Additionally, dancers spend time in the Movement contemplating the affect of language. For instance, instead of saying 'I can't' or 'I will fail at this...' how can one restructure their thinking and their language, to perform better and reap positive results. With a better connection to the project, and understanding of the meaning of 'Success,' dancers perform a choreographed piece that is turned into a short documentary-style film. 

View the gallery from our 'Success' photo-shoot

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